Sacred songs – from Germany to the desert – and back

Sacred songs – from Germany to the desert – and back

150505 Central Desert Womens ChoirEvery culture has their sacred songs – universal and yet unique to each.

They’re powerful and striking.

However, not every tradition is as unique as a group of Aboriginal women from the Central Desert of Australia.

They sing Lutheran psalms in their own language – Western Arrarnta and Pitjantjatjara.

A legacy of the German missionaries who first introduced these songs in Hermannsburg in the Northern Territory in the 1870s.

It gets even better.

Like a boomerang these songs are returning to Germany – this June

The Boomerang Tour of the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir.

Performing in Stuttgart, Bavaria, Wiesbaden and last but not least in the original Hermannsburg.

For more information click here:

I know, this email is not in my usual style, but I am so touched by this unusual music that I feel word needs to get out.

So, if you are in, or near Germany, I can highly recommend you treat yourself to one of their concerts.

And please tell your friends – just forward this email

Listen to these ancient voices. They’re truly amazing.


P.S. In Australia you can also hear them this month in Melbourne. The information is on the same website: